Set server = New NotesDbDirectory(serverName) If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then db(index).RemoveĮnd Sub Function GetDbByTitle(serverName As String,userName As String) As NotesDatabaseĭim db1 As NotesDatabase, db2 As NotesDatabase ‘ Find db on server Msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the " & numDbs & " state databases for " & user & "?"Įnd If If Messagebox(msg, msgBoxOptions) = yes Then deleteDbs = True Msg = "State database for " & user & " only found on " & db(index).Server & ". Next ‘ let the admin know which server the db was found on and prompt to delete If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then Exit For Messagebox("No State database for " & user & " were found.") ‘ tell admin that there are no state dbs found If Not db(index) Is Nothing Then numDbs = numDbs + 1 Set db(index) = GetDbByTitle(serverList(index), user) Redim db(Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList))įor index = Lbound(serverList) To Ubound(serverList) Redim serverList(Lbound(doc.Members) To Ubound(doc.Members))įor index = Lbound(doc.Members) To Ubound(doc.Members) Set doc = GetDocFromDb(s.CurrentDatabase, "Groups", key, True) Key(0) = "BlackBerryServers" ‘ <- put the group name that contains your BlackBerry servers User = uidoc.FieldGetText("firstname") & " " & uidoc.FieldGetText("lastname") ‘ written by Mike Mortin, 20081015 Dim ui As New NotesUIWorkspaceĭim user As String, serverList() As String, msg As String ‘ msgBoxOptions = MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_DEFBUTTON2Ĭonst yes = 6 Sub Click(Source As Button) It looks like a quirk in the Symphony Implementation (so I have to alert IBM about that).
#Entry not found in index lotus notes 8.5 code
I assured, that the code itself is compatible with Symphony too, but unfortunately, I could not get it running reliably under Notes-Built-In Symphony with Notes 8.5 Beta 2. I then have adapted it to use ODF instead of the OOo 1.1 format, that Justin was confronted with back then. Many thanks to Justin Freeman of Agileware, Australia, which has put this example into Public Domain many years ago. (Yes, notes is able to print that way …….). The code that is doing that shows the most important things you need to know to be able to enhance Notes with e.g. It will attach an ODF-File and a PDF-File to the document, from which you have generated them. This database contains an application, which almost immediately with some small adaptations may be used to produce invoices, that will be generated through OOo/Symphony. Until today, documentation that is good for most of us LS programmers is sparse. This database contains a small sample application, which shows you, how you can access OpenOffice or Symphony from within LotusScript by using the COM-UNO Bridge, that comes with these two products. Print "deleting documents from cache (" & Cstr (i) & "/" & Cstr ( AllDocs.Count ) & ")"Ĭall DbCache.Compact Exit Sub ErrorHandling : ResumeĬall WorkSpace.Prompt (1, "Cache.ndk Optimization", "An error has occured." ) ************************** Pascal LUCAS. Set NextDoc = AllDocs.GetNextDocument ( Doc ) Print "deleting documents from cache.ndk …" Here is the code : ************************** Dim WorkSpace As New NotesUIWorkspaceĭim i As Integer On erreur Goto ErrorHandling Set DbCache = New NotesDatabase ("", "cache.ndk") With it, users can clear their local caches without deleting their cache.ndk files. Embed this LotusScript in a button or in the postopen sub of a database script.